The FIFA World Cup, soccer is a popular sport and it take many people joyfulness and entertainmen.I not only talk about the FIFA contest, but also introduce the mascot that is the symblism of the FIFA. His name is Zakumi.
The character has a green hair as like the football field. The mascot is a africa leopard, he can run very fast jusk like the soccer players run in the football field. His name is "Zakumi." The "ZA" is mean south africa or we can say it is abbreviation. The "kumi," the word for "ten" in servral African languages and this year also is 2010. So his name is appropriate for both the location and the year. And a important thing for this mascot, Zakumi was born in 1994. The apartheid was ended the same year. It is very important and symblic for South Africa people.
The mascot can take many funny and the world cup also take many expection in the world. In fact, Chile, the county in South American, there was a huge earthquake in Chile in 2010. The earthquake killed five hunderd people. The residents in Chile want to their soccer term win every contest. Because the soccer can take many joyfulness and entertainmen.
The mascot or the soccer, there are also have many nations and coutures in FIFA. Zakumi's story or soccer's signification for countries. but we konwn the soccer is common entertainmen for every one.