Start now water from jerry on Vimeo.
This film's content is about we have to economize on water in any time and a simple act also be a super hero. We not neglect any detail things even if the thing is very simple and small. We used very exaggerative way and communicted my faith. I like this film is the film's technique is very funny and cool. I pride myself on this ending film because these virtual tropical fishs were made by myself.
This animation short film made in July,2008. In fact, It have three short film and this film is one of them. This film was made by a team in Star TV company. The team contain two animator and three apprentices. When I was an apprentice in Star TV company, I also joined the team that made this short film. In my apprenticeship,
I learned many about animation experience. Its like shoot a film and synthesize film. For me, its very important experience.